
MWC2011 《憤怒的小鳥》獲得最終大獎

來源:樂遊整理 日期:2011/2/18 9:46:34 作者:樂遊
962樂遊網首頁遊戲資訊 遊戲新聞 → MWC2011 《憤怒的小鳥》獲得最終大獎




今年MWC大獎評選分為八大類、23個獎項,主辦單位特別是移動App獎項細分為Apple、BlackBerry、Android、Nokia等平台,還有一項綜合Best Mobile App大獎,在今年大會公布的評選規則中,第一條就道破了過去一年App流行規則:簡單為王,引領科技潮流是關鍵(Simplicity is king, navigation is key),從入圍名單不難看出個中道理,最終《憤怒的小鳥》獲得最終大獎。


官網地址: http://www.mobileworldcongress.com/awards/global_mobile_awards.htm

Global Mobile App Awards

App of the Year on the Apple Platform

Rovio / Clickgamer/Chillingo for Angry Birds

App of the Year on the BlackBerry? App World Platform

Research In Motion for BlackBerry Messenger

App of the Year on the Android Platform

Google for Google Maps

App of the Year on the Nokia Platform

Herocraft & InnerActive for Zum Zum

Best Mobile App

Rovio / Clickgamer/Chillingo for Angry Birds

Category 2 – Mobile Advertising & Marketing

Best Mobile Advertising & Marketing Campaign

Mobilera – Outeractive for Unilever Cornetto Multiplayer Interactive Wall Projection Mapping Game

Category 3 – Best Mobile Business & Enterprise

Best Mobile Enterprise Product or Solution

Antenna for Antenna Mobility Platform (AMP)

Best Mobile Money Product or Solution

Airtel Africa, MasterCard Worldwide and Standard Chartered Bank for Airtel Card

Category 4 – Social & Economic Development

Best use of Mobile for Social & Economic Development

Ericsson and Flexenclosure for Ericsson Community Power

Best Mobile Money for the Unbanked Service

Vodafone Group, Safaricom, Vodacom, Vodafone Essar Limited and Roshan Ltd for M-PESA

Best Product, Initiative or Service for Underserved Segment

BBC World Service Trust for BBC Janala

Category 5 – Mobile Innovation

Best M-Health Innovation

Mobisante Inc for MobiUS

Best Mobile Learning Innovation

Urban Planet Mobile and PT Telkomsel for Urban English, Mobile English Learning Initiative

Best Mobile Innovation for Utilities

EDMI and Sierra Wireless for EDMI EWM100 Advanced GSM/GPRS Modem for Smart Metering Applications

Best Mobile Innovation for Automotive & Transport

Nissan Motor, AT&T, NTT DOCOMO, and Telenor Connexion for ICT for Electric Vehicles

Best Embedded Mobile Device (Non-Handsets)

AT&T and VITALITY, Inc for AT&T-connected Vitality GlowCaps

Category 6 – Green Mobile Award

Green Mobile Award for Best Green Product/Service or Performance

Bharti Infratel for GreenTowers P7 Project

Category 7 – Best Mobile Devices

Best Mobile Device

Apple for iPhone 4

Device Manufacturer of the Year


Category 8 – Best Technology

Best Mobile Broadband Technology

Ruckus Wireless for Ruckus Mobile Wi-Fi Gateway System

Best Mobile Technology for Emerging Markets

Orange for Orange solar base station programme

Best Technology Breakthrough

Seven Networks for SEVEN Open Channel

Best Customer Care & CRM

Airtel Africa and Tango Telecom for Tango Telecom’s ‘Dynamic Pricing Service’

Category 9 – Outstanding Achievement Awards

GSMA Chairman’s Award

Dr. Wang Jianzhou, Chairman, China Mobile

Government Leadership Award

Government of Afghanistan


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