

來源:樂遊整理 日期:2012/10/3 10:32:07 作者:樂遊
962樂遊網首頁遊戲資訊 遊戲新聞 → 《生化危機6》製作組訪談:CAPCOM給生6帶來哪些變化



Q: 生化6與係列前幾作的根本區別在哪裏?

佐佐木:  我想我們要傳達的是關於主角們的戲劇演出。劇情腳本內容實在太多,想把腳本中所有的東西和遊戲設計結合起來是一個巨大的挑戰。我們試著在撰寫腳本的同時,將關卡設計和遊戲設計無縫地合並起來,這是最困難的部分。

PSB: At the beginning of development, do you start out with a story, or do ideas for gameplay and set pieces come first?

Sasaki: I try and get a bunch of different situations in my mind – things that I want to see happening in the game – and they’re usually not connected at all. It’s independent of any story at that stage. For example, with this game when we started, the image I had in my mind was the one of Chris and Leon pointing their guns at each other. That was a cool thing that I wanted to see, but I hadn’t even thought about where the story would be at that point. I just thought that’s a cool thing I wanted in the game – how do we make that happen? How can we make a really cool story around that, and add horror elements and make it work?

Q: 在開發初期,是從劇情開始下手,還是從關於遊戲的各種點子著手開發的?


PSB: Resident Evil 6 is an enormous game – are you worried that some players won’t have the stamina to make it all the way to the end?

Sasaki: Yes, just a little worried about that. But because of that we developed this new service that ties into Resident Evil 6 called REnet. We hope this service will really motivate people to keep playing the game. It’s for you and your friends – it will help keep all of you connected and looking forward to clearing the game.
          There are lots of different aspects that will allow that. One of the basic elements is you’re going to be able to check in on your friends’ progress and see how they’re progressing. Conversely they’ll do the same with you, so it will be a challenge for both of you to see how far you can get, and see who is doing better. There are a lot of ways you can compare your progress with that of your friends. It’s compatible with Twitter and Facebook so you can get push notifications from friends. It should spur people to continue playing and make it to the end.



PSB: And can you tell us any more about your plans for post-launch support?

Sasaki: We can’t talk about the DLC we are preparing for the game, but in the near future we will be making an announcement about additional content for Resident Evil 6. But the main portion of the game is so loaded with stuff that it should take people a long time to get through this game before they are even ready for DLC.

Q:  你們對未來的DLC是怎麼計劃的?


PSB: The Resident Evil fanbase is a particular passionate one and isn’t afraid to voice its concerns when it doesn’t approve of the direction you take with a game. Is it frustrating trying to keep them happy?

Kobayashi: The way I always think of it is that if Resident Evil represents a child, then the fans and us as creators are the two parents. The resulting games are like the children that are born between both of us. And just like real parents, you’re not always going to agree on what is best for raising that child.
                Now, we do always have our ear to the ground and listen to what the fans are saying and we try to take that into account when we’re making the game. But it’s our job to create a new gaming experience and to offer them something that’s fresh and challenging. We want to make sure that what we do pleases them but the initial reaction might not always be positive. We do listen to the fans but we can’t be beholden to them at every turn or I don’t think we’ll ever make progress in terms of the series’ development.




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